Friday, June 1, 2012

Sheila's First Day

Today I.....

out window in Managua hotel


  1. Wow!
    That is two weeks of stuff for me! - Sloan

  2. That is amazing! Some of those pictures are beautiful. How is it there? If we wanted to send y'all something is that possible?

    1. Thanks! Yea, it is breathtakingly beautiful here--and heartbreakingly ugly right alongside. The pictures sure don't do it justice. You just can't get the impact of those big vistas.(or the sore hind end from the "road" that gets you there! :)
      We can certainly receive stuff! To use mail just be sure "Mision Para Cristo" is clearly marked and add "Rotunda Petronic 1 1/2 Cuadras al Este, Jinotega, Nicaragua"
      If you have a bunch of donations shoot me an email and we'll hook you up with a logistics King at Global Samaratin.
      Thanks for thinking of us! :)

    2. The pics are so beautiful that you have posted. It will be so great for our kids in August to communicate with you via this blog. Love the pic of the school room. It should show our children here how fortunate they are every single day. The kids there are so blessed to have you and Jonathon in their lives.


  3. Thanks so much for your kind words! I am super excited about setting up some ways to get the kids there learning about the broader world and making a difference too. We'll talk! :)


What do you think?