Monday, March 18, 2013

Learning to listen

As the spring break groups have come through, I have been introduced to, and introduced myself to around 50 people. At some point as I explain my role here, someone will ask some version of: "So, are you a Spanish speaker?"

And I've realized that in many ways I am a Spanish speaker. Most of the time (with the patience of those I'm talking to) I can sift through the words I know to get my point across.

What I am not, is a Spanish listener.

There are so many times during each day where I feel my mind just give up, turn off, and stare blankly as I repeat the unfamiliar words with a quizzical expression.

I can say many more things than I can listen to.  But isn't that kind of the case for all of us? Isn't it often easier to put our energy into figuring out what we want to say than into figuring out what is being said to us? Aren't there times in difficult conversations with a co-worker, spouse, or friend when you feel your mind give up, turn off, and stare blankly--realizing you don't really "get" where the other person is coming from?

I shouldn't be surprised. Think about how many times Jesus advised the crowds to listen.
find the answer here. Notice that He's saying, "Listen up" more than just about anything else!

Living in another language has certainly made me aware of how grateful I am for the careful, generous listening of those around me. And makes me hungry to learn to listen.

James 1:19

1 comment:

  1. Oh great. Now I'm going to have to really pay attention to people when they talk to me, instead of trying to come up with a decent response while they're completing their thoughts. The time interval between the two will convince people I've had the stroke they've seen coming for years...

    But you are, of course, correct. I hear people say stuff to me all the time, but it's only when I really clear my mind and focus on the words- and the behavior I see in conjunction with those words- that I have any true perception of what he or she is trying to communicate. And with some of the folks I work with, that's kinda' important.

    Hey... I think you just answered a question I asked God at the end of the week before Spring Break. I'll tell you about it sometime, but in the meantime... Nice work, and thank you (and Jon) for blogging!


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