Saturday, February 7, 2015


For the last few days we have had a house guest. His name is Ederson and he is 14 years old.  He is from the town of San Andres on the Rio Coco and has come to Jinotega, to further his education. 

A group of families from the church here have committed to helping him with this dream of his, and while we organize, arrange, and gather things like beds, and clothes and supplies...he's staying with us. He's such a neat guy! And we're having a blast learning from each other. 

Can you imagine? 14 years old, and you've left everything and everyone you know because you are so hungry for school? Aside from how hard being away from home would be for any kid, imagine the culture shock for this guy. His home is a place without water, electricity, or even a door. His town is a place without roads, advertising, or strangers. 

Here are a few of the things he's learned about this week--experiences I have lived in a new way through his eyes.
  • flushing a toilet
  • turning on a faucet
  • turning lights on and off (it took him a couple of days to get brave enough for this one)
  • feeling the coolness from the refrigerator
  • walking in traffic
  • tasting bread with jelly
  • tasting an apple
  • tasting a carrot
  • television
  • playing a video game (he hated it, by the way)
  • taking a shower
  • using a key in a lock
  • going to a grocery store
  • eating at a restaurant
He's a great storyteller, an amazing singer, and speaks three languages fluently. (Sadly for us both, English isn't one of them). He's deeply inquisitive, obviously brave, hard working, and plain 'ol hilarious. (Can you tell I totally want to be like Ederson when I grow up?) Here are a few of my favorite (roughly translated) quotes from the last few days: 

  • "Can I try to make my own ice in there? How do you know how long it will take? How long will the ice last once it is frozen? Can I do it every day until I understand these things?"
  •  "How do you know which trucks are going to stop so you can continue walking?"
  • (While looking at photos of animals online and teaching each other names for them in various languages) "Oh wow! Pecary! They are my favorite. They are so beautiful. I love them. They taste better than toucans."
  • "I've been inside the house so long I think I am turning white." (obviously teasing) "Is that what happened to you?"
  • (Car alarm across the street going off) "Does that sound mean the car is broken? It isn't moving. It is broken. Why do they let that sound continue? Is someone going to stop that?"
  • "Once while deep in the forest I found gold. After my dad sold it, he gave me new rubber boots. I teased him, 'I find a gold nugget and my only gift is boots? These must be expensive boots.' He said, 'Be quiet, we are getting a cow and you can follow it wearing your boots!'"
  • (Teaching me words in Miskito) "That means the food is very delicious. You keep giving me cold things from that refrigerator without warning me, but I will still say delicious."

Please pray for Ederson. He is a special person facing some big challenges with incredible grace. 

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