Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Off Hand Remarks

When we traveled to Nicaragua in October we assumed it was a one time trip. Our goal was simply to finish what Jonathan attempted the previous April. It's always those chance "comments in passing" that lead down unexpected paths.

A chance comment is what led to Sight For Sore Eyes Foundation in the first place. A chance comment began what would become the Riverside Resource Center and Church. A passing comment resulted in Jonathan joining Ft.Worth Christian's spring break trip to Jinotega, and thus our return 6 months later. And a seemingly off-hand remark resulted in our upcoming move to live and work in Nicaragua full time.

But I suppose God has always delighted in communicating in seemingly random ways: fire-y shrubbery, and mouthy donkeys, and what not.

Our October trip's mission was to deliver an autorefractor (optical equipment) and train workers from Mision Para Cristo to administer the types of recycled eye-glass distribution campaigns that we have conducted here and in Mexico. It was a lovely work week--smooth and rewarding. Jonathan commented as we stood looking out the window at the city below--"Well, there's nothing else for us to do here--I guess we won't be back." A few hours later Benny is casually commenting that we "aughta just move here." By that night we are actually thinking about it. Before October ends, we've committed that IF we raise the funds and IF we can arrange it and IF volunteers rise up to take care of the work here in Texas we'll actually make the move.

So here it is, merely a month and a half later and God has left us with no more IFs.

Like so many times before--God obviously had a path prepared for us--a plan we could never have orchestrated so smoothly and quickly. How many times must I re-learn this lesson? When my plans are failing,  perhaps it is  because they are mine and not His. When I stop discounting those comments I wasn't planning on hearing I finally receive that "burning-bush-neon-sign-clarity I have longed for.

"Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening." 1Samuel 3:10

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