Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Just Passing Through

This week I've been involved in a couple of uncomfortable meetings. You know the kind--where something needs to be addressed that has the potential to make the listener angry or embarrassed or defensive. Its an awkward position for colleagues--perhaps particularly in a school. Elementary school teachers spend all day every day being the ultimate expert. That can make it difficult to accept advice or critique.

Knowing that correcting the problem is vital, and the benefits are well worth some rumpled feathers--does not really make the task any more appealing. So as our team discussed the best way to address these issues with our colleagues--one made the comment, "Make Sheila tell 'em--she's leaving anyway."

I heartily agreed. After all,  I'm a short-timer at this point. Only a few more months and I'm off to Nicaragua. In many ways, I'm just passing through. As long as the message is received, what cost is a little awkwardness between us?

Don't worry. The meetings went fine--a bit uncomfortable for a few moments, but a benefit acknowledged by all involved.

So what's the point?  Well, aren't we all just passing through this earth on our way elsewhere?  Aren't we all short timers? How often have I let the fear of a little awkwardness in a relationship that is temporary hold me back from sharing words that could make that relationship eternal? I was so surprised by the courage and freedom granted by those words "...she's leaving anyway." I pray each of us holds tight to the thought from that favorite old song, we are "just passing through."

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Month 1

 My first full month here has been full to say the least. I am learning to deal without a set routine. Those of you who know me know I prefer law and order, but the routine here is to not have a routine. This job has forced me to do thinking that is so outside of the box that I'm not even sure where the box is any more. Overall it has been an wonderful experience with its share of challenges.
     I cannot express how thankful Sheila and I are for your prayers first of all, your notes secondly, and lastly, the financial commitment. Please continue to pray and keep in contact. Many of you who have made the financial commitment were looking to begin in March. Well...March is here and we have been falling short of the committed pledges to this point. If you committed and changes have occurred to your circumstances and are unable to meet the pledge you made, please let me know. We FULLY understand changes of circumstances, so just let us know so we can reevaluate/adjust our budget. Although we are counting on you we are flexible enough to do what is needed. If you are just in need of a reminder each month we can provide coupons or electronic reminders if you think it would be beneficial. God has blessed us so far we have no reason to believe he will stop now. God is good, all the time.
     My Spanish is improving, but the locals say that some words I use are hard to understand because of my Mexican accent. I hope that is what it really is. Ironic, huh?
     I have been asked to teach a children's class in Tuesday and Thursday nights (they don't meet on Wednesdays like many Gringo churches.) I have told them that I am more interested in training teachers and sharing children's ministry concepts than I am actually teaching. I am to meet with the local ministers next week to open the dialog.
     There is so much going on here it is mind-boggling. The greatest of which is the arrival of 26 Harding U. students who will be here Saturday through Friday. To sum up my responsibilities would be this: facilitate the daily operation of all personnel and projects of the 32 church-related public schools, 5 medical clinics and maternity homes, construction projects and 23 area churches as they relate to Mision Para Cristo. This is primarily a communications job as each area named above has someone who manages them individually. The fact that there are individual department managers should relieve some of your initial fears that I am sure struck you as you read the list above. :-) These responsibilities, in addition to facilitating groups of high school, college and adults who come here to serve is, in a nutshell, what I do. It has taken a full month to be able to sum this up and I know there is much to learn. The point of all this explanation?: KEEP PRAYING!!!

Speaking of communications, I am having issues with my Jonathan@SFSEinc.org email address and am not sure about EmailCoachInNica@yahoo.com, so please use the original bikercoach@gmail.com. I know it works...mostly. 

God bless you all. Please stay in touch, and come see beautiful Jinotega.